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What if we were to have more of the type of conversations that are full of meaning and purpose, that shift things forward, that help us and others grow?
These conversations are the ones that count, and require courage.
So let’s talk Courageous Communication.
There are certain meaningful and important conversations that we need to have with children, but often the tricky and difficult conversations are not had, as we find them so uncomfortable to explore. Rod and Kate Power share some ideas on how to talk with children about sensitive topics, like how to protect their private parts, in an attempt to empower children against sexual abuse. They have created a useful tool (a book called “My Underpants Rule”) to help parents…
Brand Pretorius is an accomplished communicator, marketer and leader. Telana joined Brand to discuss what he learnt from his years of leading organisations in the motor industry, specifically about effective communication skills for leading others and sitting on Executive Boards. They cover feedback skills, dealing with conflict, how to confront others, the value of listening, public speaking and how credibility is a critical component to effective leadership and communication. Podcast: Audio: Video: About Brand Pretorius: Brand Pretorius attained his M.Com degree…
Wilmarie Janse van Rensburg is a force to be reckoned with in the field of motorsport in South Africa, and is known as the SAspeedqueen. Using the context of her achievements in motorsport and business, Wilmarie shares her lessons that she learnt from racing on the track, that can be translated into life and business skills, and specifically in how we express ourselves in challenging environments. She covers with Telana topics like speaking up, focus and passion, assertiveness, finding inner strength and…
Walter Pike shares about how our confidence in ourselves, together with our sense of self worth (self-esteem) and ability to be non-judgemental relate to our ability to have difficult conversations, using as an example his involvement in Slut Walk and having conversations about victim blaming and rape culture. He also discusses with Telana about group think and how to spread ideas, especially for marketing purposes, using his Directed Activism methodology and social media. Podcast: Audio: Video: About Walter Pike: Walter…
Marion Scher, award-winning journalist and media trainer, believes that Mmusi Maimane (leader of one of South Africa’s political parties, the Democratic Alliance) is a master of communication. Telana unpacks with her Maimane’s communication skills, and also explores the skills needed to handle speaking in the media – on radio and TV – effectively. They also touch on interviewing skills, and the power of storytelling to get people’s attention, especially online. The article written by Marion Scher about Mmusi Maimane: Mmusi Maimane…
Emily Vining is part of a diverse team of the social enterprise Lumkani making a social impact through the development of fire detection technology. Her role is to talk with the communities who use their technology, and by building relationships with them, ensure that they meet the needs and preferences of the end users of their device. Telana explores with her the skills, especially listening, that she uses to build these relationships, and the mindset that allows her to be…
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