The Adventures of the Blind Scooter Guy : Episode 135

Christopher Venter is an adventure writer, and never would have guessed he’d be writing about his last adventure without his sight.  Telana caught up with Chris and heard about his travels, love for scooters and adventure, his tragedy which he’s turning into a new adventure, and what he’s learning about technology solutions for the blind.




Demo of technology solutions for the Blind:

Blind Scooter Guy

Christopher Venter, the Blind Scooter Guy

About Christopher Venter

Christopher is currently a freelance writer and Accessibility Buddy, helping those becoming blind or having lost their sight suddenly, work through the challenges and use technology to find work and stay engaged with the world.He is also an adventurer and is working on his adventure book, about this trip travelling through Africa on a scooter.

Chris is also a vintage scooter enthusiast, prizing his scooter collection.

His adventures around the globe have included being a chef in exotic places, while scuba diving when ever he could.

He’s also a Blogger, and Petrolhead, and, yes… he is blind.

Read more about him here.

Contact and Info

Facebook: BlindScooterGuy
Twitter: @BlindScooterGuy

2 responses to “The Adventures of the Blind Scooter Guy : Episode 135”

  1. […] To hear more about his adventure and story about his challenges, plus a demonstration of the technology solutions assisting the blind to communicate online, see the Let’s Talk Possibility  episode entitled: The Adventures of the Blind Scooter Guy. […]

  2. Belinda says:

    Hello Christopher
    I am an OT working with the visually impaired, I would love to chat to you.
    Could you either contact me on 0834601236 or give me a number to contact you
    Belinda Leibowitz