
People getting thier message across effectively

Useful Beliefs for Effective Communication Skills, with Telana Simpson : Ep 6

Telana Simpson shares some useful ideas and beliefs that help make communication, and our ability to get our message across to others, far more effective.  These are based on the presuppositions of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Podcast: Audio: Video: About Telana Simpson: Telana is a dynamic, transformational Personal Coach and Blogger who specializes in communicating and relating.  She helps people have no regrets in life by having conversations that count. Contact and Info: Website:  and Email: telana at innercoaching dot…

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How to set the frame of a conversation

The Skill of Framing Conversation, with Jimmy Kyriacou : Ep5

Jimmy Kyriacou unpacks the skill of framing a conversation, so that you are less likely to be mis-understood, and more likely to get your message across.  We explore the world of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Neuro-Semantics, and look at the effective communication skills of: being present, listening, framing, pre-framing, post-framing, and re-framing. Podcast: Audio: Video: About: Jimmy Kyriacou is a former Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, whose life was powerfully impacted by his discovery of NLP…

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