John Niland knew intellectually the distinctions between self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence, yet he only started living this fundamental discovery after a significantly emotional event. John shares with Telana what he has learn on this journey, and how he discovered his true self worth, and the benefits from this. He also relates how unconditional self-worth is the foundation for courageous conversations. Topics explored in this important episode include:

  • Discovering self worth.
  • How self worth differs to self esteem.
  • Relevance of self worth in our current uncertain times, especially to the times of Covid-19.
  • The business case for self worth.
  • The importance of listening.
  • Courageous conversations.




About John Niland:

John Niland

John Niland is the founder of Self-Worth Academy: an organisation focused on promoting self-worth as the foundation of life and work. He is the author of “The Courage to Ask“, “The Self-Worth Safari” and two other books. A regular speaker at international conferences and events, he blends humour and story with an Irish accent to energise professionals to value their lives and their work. Together with his associates, he works with leaders, entrepreneurs and people in career-transition to enhance their capacity to act and implement strategy.

John is best known for his core distinction between self-esteem and self-worth: a shift that transplants self-confidence into new and deeper soil. When professionals deepen their roots in unconditional friendship with themselves, this fresh understanding brings new energy and resilience. Being no longer addicted to proving themselves, they are free to tackle the challenges of work with new lightness and joy.

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Music: “Mesmerize” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0