Money Talks, with Nigel Willmott

The key to talking about money, especially with a partner in life or business, is to remember the importance of the topic, and that it is a journey. Nigel Willmott shares from his decades of experience as a financial planner, and more recently as a money coach, some exercises and ways to have crucial conversations around money with those close to us, including our children. He also unpacks the emotions around money, our money DNA, money memories and the benefits…

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How to broach tricky subjects with children

How to have difficult conversations with Children : Episode 16

There are certain meaningful and important conversations that we need to have with children, but often the tricky and difficult conversations are not had, as we find them so uncomfortable to explore.   Rod and Kate Power share some ideas on how to talk with children about sensitive topics, like how to protect their private parts, in an attempt to empower children against sexual abuse.  They have created a useful tool (a book called “My Underpants Rule”) to help parents…

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