
Communicating Unwritten Ground Rules, with Steve Simpson

Podcast: How do we discuss something like a corporate culture? And in particular, in a way that we can improve that culture? Steve Simpson explains his concept of ‘Unwritten Ground Rules’ and how it gives leaders the language to develop the culture of their business, so that staff become more productive. Steve and Telana cover in particular how we have conversations that hold people accountable to improve their behaviour, and how to uncover the unwritten ground rules that govern that…

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How to be mentally strong in a crisis, with Daria Tsvenger

Daria Tsvenger is a mindset expert, and shared with Telana Simpson what mental strength is, and how to develop it, especially in a time of crisis, like we find ourselves in today dealing with Covid-19. She covers aspects of ourselves like the flight/fight mode of our brains, procrastination, depression and self awareness. She also explains the difference between inspiration and motivation, and tackles how to have conversations that count, shedding some light on the topic from the neuro-science perspective. Podcast:…

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Conscious Communication and the Media, with Noy Pullen

How do we develop the the faculty of discernment and the ability to communicate consciously? Telana had a conversation that counts with Noy Pullen sitting alongside her fireplace in Cape Town.  They talk about the written word and media, including newspapers and magazines, and how we can notice the force behind the media we consume, and how it may trigger us and allow us to go within to develop our inner resources and take responsibility for our growth.  They also cover…

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Tony amongst a Hemp Plantation

Communication Skills of a Trailblazer, with Tony Budden : Ep 8

Tony Budden is trailblazing! He is pioneering the Hemp industry, and following on from his chat with Telana and the team at Let’s Talk Possibility about industrial hemp, Telana hears from Tony the latest news about bringing hemp to South Africa, and the world, and also explores the skills he has personally developed to be the trailblazer he is. They cover, amongst other things: talking from the heart, listening, adjusting your message to different audiences, and being authentic and congruent…

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You can change your life

How to turn your life around, with Franklin Esau : Ep 4 – Part 2

Franklin Esau turned his life around from one of crime, manipulation, and selfishness to his life today of kindness, openness, and understanding. He talks with Telana about his upbringing in gangs in the infamous area known as the Ghetto, or Elsies River, just outside Cape Town, and his time in prison and what led to him to making new choices. They discuss emotions, decision making, values and making good choices.  This is an inspiring 2 part story of change, from…

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Do a u-turn

How to turn your life around, with Franklin Esau : Ep 4 – Part 1

Franklin Esau turned his life around from one of crime, manipulation, and selfishness to his life today of kindness, openness, and understanding. He talks with Telana about his upbringing in gangs in the infamous area known as the Ghetto, or Elsies River, just outside Cape Town, and his time in prison and what led to him to making new choices. They discuss emotions, decision making, values and making good choices.  This is an inspiring 2 part story of change, from…

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Let’s Talk Communication

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