What is your testimonial about your Inner Coaching experience?
A client, Angie, shares her testimonial about Inner CoachingIt has empowered me to look at my expectations to understand that I am only responsible for me. To set healthy boundaries, because I now believe I am worthy of love and respect first from myself. Telana is great in helping put things into perspective, very honest and unbiased and it is wonderful to have someone to hear your story and listen and guide you when you feel lost, overwhelmed…

Do you have any comments that may help a future client considering coaching or training with Inner Coaching?
Just understanding a few things helps make a huge difference. So I would recommend everyone attends just to get an understanding of how we are and what we do adn the affect it has and also where it stems from.

-Angie Mansour
February 2014 

Testimonial about the Coaching for Excellence programme.