Goal Setting for Courageous Living

Goal setting is often explored at the start of a new year, or new phase of growth.  There is plenty of energy, and it all feels fresh and exciting and full of promise.

Then (if we remember to and know how) we might reflect back after time has passed, and often we realise that we didn’t get to achieve all that we hoped we would.

Having a strategy to set well formed and thought through outcomes, with definable ways to measure progress in our day to day life, is useful.

This strategy can ensure we are more likely to reach our goals AND enjoy the journey along the way.

Session Overview:

This coaching session has the potential to turn all your past unsuccessful goal setting processes around.

I, as your experience coach, will facilitate you online through a useful process that will help you set such well formed outcomes that you’ll be half way there to achieving them already!

Develop a strategy for your goals for the year aheadGetting clear on what you want and knowing how to measure these achievements in a way that helps your brain and subconscious mind set you up for success, should be a non-negotiable step in your success strategy for any new training programme, or new year.

This session will help you focus your thinking and develop your strategy for the training or the year ahead. How useful would that be to help you reach your goals in a measured and enjoyable way?

You have all the resources you need to achieve your outcomes, you just need to be clear on what they are and have decided to do what’s necessary to make it happen, over a specific time period.

What a client says:

“Inner Coaching provided a great structure for me to articulate my goals and follow up to achieve them. Telana was an organized, efficient and readily available coach who went out of her way to help me achieve the goals I set for myself.” – DD

You will learn

In this 2 hour, one-on-one session you will leave:

  1. Knowing how to set well formed goals.
  2. Being clear on what you want to achieve,  in what time period and what to focus on.
  3. With a written, realistic set of outcomes to work towards.
  4. Knowing your strategy, with the steps and stages to take to achieve your goals.
  5. With your first set of actions to get you going.

Please note: This session is aimed at people who want to achieve big things in a certain time period. They are the top achievers, the trail blazers, the intentional people who want to live a life with purpose and on purpose . This session is NOT for people who don’t want to set goals or who just go wherever life takes them.

What a client says:

“Hi Telana
Many thanks for today’s session and for all the information you attached for me which I have found really insightful and will definitely take the time to review it all well. Thank you for the suggestions…  So excited about all we achieved this morning. The outcomes far exceed my expectations which were a vague awareness that I needed help :)”
– Lynn Chalmers, Head Service Coordination, Standard Bank South Africa

Length of Session

The session is a 2 hour session, and will be during office hours (Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00), at a time that suits both you and I, your Coach.

The session is done via Zoom.


This is a private session with me where we explore what you want to achieve, and come up with clear measurables that will show you that you have achieved your goals when you do your reflecting and measuring. We’ll also explore what steps you need to take, what resources you will need, and what your first set of actions will be. I’ll then email you all the info so you will have your goals written up in a well formed structure that you can refer to throughout your journey towards your goals.

(You can read more about me here.)

How to Book a Courageous Goal Setting Session

Contact me to book a time.  I’m looking forward to this important starting step for you!

What clients say:

“One of the best experiences I have had. An experience that has rekindled my passions and my senses. It has woken me up to what our purpose is on earth. It was an experience I needed and I hope others will not shy away from” – Neil Philipson, Sales Team Leader, Liberty Life

“One of the best decisions I have made, Telana is a highly talented coach and managed to guide me through what was at times a challenging yet ultimately life-changing experience. I found the integrity, passion and commitment that Telana brought to all my sessions a huge inspiration and the personal outcomes I managed to realize far exceeded my expectations. I am quite sure the skills and personal awareness I have developed through this coaching experience will continue to contribute to my personal growth and the realization of many goals.” – Lynn Chalmers, Head Service Coordination, Standard Bank South Africa

“A sure way to discover what one needs to do to make life lasting changes and become a better person.” -A.F., Entrepreneur

“I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to clarify their thinking, and who needs the guidance, a framework and some discipline to do that successfully. Though I consider myself a self motivated self starter, it took Telana to make me dig deeper and wider than I would have on my own.” – Michael Payne, Manager: IM Governance

“This was a useful experience that will have an impact on my life. I would have benefited a lot more and might even have changed some things in life if I undertook this earlier on.” – S.D., Managing Director

This program is not necessarily for “hopeless” people. It gives highly driven, successful people an empowering edge to become brilliant, instead of good… What struck me most was my ability to convert the knowledge into sustained action… which is priceless… undoubtedly the best coaching experience of my life.” – Ruan de Lange, Marketing Director, BiNuaral Information Systems

“A great experience without which I would not be where I am or who I am today. The whole experience transformed my life.” – Fhumulani Mashau