“I have been through 2 ‘encounters :) ’ with Telana, Vibrant Life and a Mastermind circle. Both have been very rewarding and enlightening for me and have helped me find inner strength and confidence to deal with day to day challenges at work and at home. The Vibrant Life encounter helped me to understand better how I react to stimuli and how to use filters to promote healthy behaviour. It also motivated me to take control of my emotions and not allow others to control how I feel. The Mastermind Circle encounter was excellent in facilitating a group to get together to share goals and experiences and motivate each other to achieve those goals in safe and positive space. It’s always good to have positive people in the same space you are in to bounce feelings and thoughts of – to help us see things from various perspectives and sometimes question if we are being too hard on ourselves. Will definitely be back for more enlightenment and positivity :) ”
– Natasha Chetty