I was published in the FutureFemales.co blog, and the theme for October was around Social Media and our businesses. 

Here are a few lines from my article, and you can read more about how our sense of self esteem plays out in our use of social media, and some tips on how to manage this constructively:


How to Avoid Social Pressure on Social Media

Sometimes we feel a pressure – a type of social pressure – that we just have to be on social media and on all of the platforms, or we are not in business.

And the more likes and followers we have, the bigger and better our business is. Social media has grown to such an extent that we have come to measure our business’s value – and sadly our own personal worth too – by the amount of attention we get online.

We are caught in the delusion that as along as we are busy on social media, we are “marketing” ourselves and we are “working hard”. I believe this is a trap that many small business owners fall into. It is a trap that keeps us away from the most essential aspects of running a business: selling. Without making actual sales where our goods or services are exchanged for money, that is, without conducting real business with our customers, we are just stuck in the busy-ness of today’s virtual social media world….